So you’re tired of your house looking like a daycare
disaster zone? Don’t like watching your kids drag toys around without really
playing with them, and then dropping them in piles here and there? Irritated
when you hear them say, “I’m bored” or “There’s nothing to do”…as you think of
how many amazing playthings they have lying around untouched? Feeling guilty
about saying no to crafts and Play-Doh because you don’t want to haul it out or
clean up the mess afterwards? Are you just completely over the chore of putting
your whole house back together every night after your kids go to bed…only to
watch it degenerate into a complete disaster zone again in the morning?
Me too!
I am no parenting expert, and my home décor ideas may leave
something to be desired, but I made the decision to reclaim my house from the
kid clutter and give the kids a place to claim as their own. I wanted to be
very intentional about planning this space, because I did not want to simply
give them a defined dumping ground or a space to do whatever they wanted
with…that was the problem in the first place! I wanted to take what I know
about child development, classroom organization, and Waldorf principles and be
very intentional about applying those concepts to a small space in my home.
Creating an effective playspace is an intentional decision.
If you try to throw together a playspace in the heat of the
moment without careful planning, you’re likely to end up with a smaller, more
contained version of the disaster zone that was driving you crazy in the first
place! You may be able to close the door on this one and pretend it doesn’t
bother you…but it will…
Dream of the perfect playspace: my dream playspace was on
page 12 of the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue…the distressed furniture, the low,
sturdy art tables with built-in storage, the contemporary feel that complements
my home décor, kids’ art displayed on giant bulletin boards and canvases,
natural elements and learning materials in clear bins, soft lighting…ahhh!
My dream stayed a dream for a long time because I had
neither the space nor the budget for that ultimate playroom. Then I had a revelation…
It’s great to dream big, but it’s good to keep yourself grounded
too- in the back of your mind, ask yourself: where in your home can you claim a
space- a spare bedroom, an unused office, a small corner of the living room,
even a closet. Tell yourself it’s ok that you don’t have $3,000 to create that
perfect playspace on page 12- there are big changes you can make for $30…or better
yet, for free! Think through what you really want for the playroom…what do your
children really need in their playroom…are you really looking for a toy storage
area or a functional playspace? Is bigger better? Is more better?
Or is it possible that a small, cultivated, organized,
intentional playspace is just what you are looking for? Could a smaller space
house bigger play potential? Could reused, repurposed, and refinished items be
more valuable than shiny plastic furniture?
Could *less* stuff mean *more* meaningful play?
So before you get all inspired and head off to start buying bins, baskets, and brackets and rearranging your home, stop! Slow down! Make a plan! Print off these planning sheets; grab a cup of tea (glass of wine, perhaps?), a pen, and hole up somewhere quiet to dream, write, draw, and plan…we’ll pick up here tomorrow!
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