Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 14: Teaching Prayers

Day 14: Teaching Prayers

Terrible picture, beautiful sight.

My daughter picked up this pocket devotional on our way out of church this evening, saying:

“What is this?”

“It’s a prayer book.”

“Well, I need to bring a prayer book home with me to help me pray to God tonight.”


Snapped this picture getting into the car, but I wish it would have been a video so you could hear what I heard as she “read” the book to herself:

“Dear God, this is for praising you, and I’m praying for my mommy and daddy and brother, and I love you, and thanking you for making the world, and please help me make good choices, amen.”


That pretty much sums it up, now doesn’t it? Moments like these show me that
all the louder-than-talking whispers in church, the doodling in the register
book, sliding under the pew and smiling at the people behind us while I pretend
not to notice, ground up cheerios in the carpet when we leave, little man
trying to give the pastor a high five at communion time…even through all that,
something right, and something true, and something IMPORTANT is soaking into
their little brains.

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